MAST has significant experience in EU and national projects. Our professionals can offer their expertise during various stages such as proposal preparation, proposal submission and while the project is implemented. We have experience in all the major EU programmes.
European Projects
MAST acted as a partner in the project Re-PoD: “Re-investing Expertise: Expansion of Professional Training for Educators and Parents of Children with Down’s Syndrome”. We created a digital eLearning platform that was focused when the needs of people that suffer from Down ’s syndrome. Also MAST developed the digital Learning Material that was uploaded in the platform.
Also MAST has provided significant technological support in a number of other EU projects. Specifically we have acted as contractors in the following projects:
- Using new media to prevent and combat against media violence” (Daphne III)
- “Promotion of LLStrategies for vulnerable Groups” (LifeLong Learning Programme-Transfer of Innovation)
- “ICEA Project” building a bridge amongst green entrepreneurs (mentors) and future green entrepreneurs (mentees)
National Projects
Moreover we have successfully completed the following projects at a national Level:
- “New Innovative Entrepreneurship”. MAST has successfully designed and created an online platform that enables companies to assess the skills of their staff and train them if that is necessary.
- “Enhancing small and medium enterprises”. Created an online platform that helps children and teenagers enhance their learning potentials through various digital games.
In addition we have acted as partners in six national programmes that had as object to increase entrepreneurship and help unemployed people reenter the job market. MAST offered significant help in setting up new businesses as well as creating networks that would help find jobs