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- Cyber security in small and medium enterprises
Cybersecurity in small and medium-sized businesses is more important than ever. With the digital transition accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses of all sizes face increased cyber risks. Unfortunately, small and medium-sized businesses often ignore the need for cybersecurity, either due to lack of resources or due to the mistaken belief that they are unlikely targets. However, cybercriminal attacks are not only directed towards large companies. Smaller businesses can also be vulnerable, mainly because they often do not have the necessary security measures in place. The basic steps that need to be taken include training staff about common cyber threats, such as ransomware viruses and phishing attacks, implementing regular software and security system updates, and creating a recovery plan from cybersecurity incidents. It is also important to protect the sensitive information of customers, in order to maintain their trust and comply with data privacy regulations. In a world where cyber threats are increasingly complex and evolving, small and medium-sized businesses need equally advanced security solutions. This may include hiring specialized staff or using services from an external provider to manage security issues. Cybersecurity should not be considered a luxury, but a necessity. Protecting businesses from cyber attacks is essential for their survival, customer trust, and their growth. With proper preparation and caution, small and medium-sized businesses can effectively address these threats and ensure the security of their digital assets.
- Expression of Interest Invitation for undertaking a project within the implementation of the project “MYSEA – Mediterranean Youth, NEETs and women advancing Skills, Employment and Awareness in the blue and green economy
The Educational Organization EUROTRAINING, a partner of the European project “MYSEA – Mediterranean Youth, NEETs and women advancing Skills, Employment and Awareness in the blue and green economy”, which is funded under the ENI CBC MED Program, is looking for collaborators for the implementation of the project’s actions. Interested parties can find information, as well as ways to express interest in the following invitation HERE .